Tech Peak » Important Concepts to Learn in HTML5 & CSS

Important Concepts to Learn in HTML5 & CSS

by Neha ADMEC
Html and CSS

The Html5/CSS3 is the basic core language to learn in web design and web development as to master it. The very basic step to know how the web pages are written, as how they follow the correct structure of the syntax along with CSS, they know how to target classes as modify them to provide appearance to the website to enhance its look and feel, html is basically the skeleton like (skeleton), The CSS is defined as the to add appearance like to add colors, web fonts, Typography and much more of it.

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There are different versions of html and CSS as, we are currently using HTML5 and CSS3, let’s discuss more about in detail:

In Html 5 one should know the block level element and inline element, the block level element that starts with the new line for example p tag i.e. paragraph tag, that uses the full width of the page and container.

The inline level element is defined as the element which occupy space as needed with in the space defined by the main element (<a>, <span>, <img>, <code>, <cite>, <button>, <input>).

Along with it, one should also know the basic semantic tags, to hold a firm grip on the HTML

<main>, <header>, <footer>, <aside>, <nav>, <video>, <canvas>, <menu> and <menu item>.

Div tag is also important for the basic understanding, use it when necessary, otherwise the other semantic tags make sense to make the code in readable form.

There are grids, flex model technique to make the website responsive to enable in the different devices. Responsive website is main learning concept for the HTML CSS starters.

The CSS concepts are very wide to, learn as the css adds more value to the concept of html, as to know how the css declaration affects the neighbours classes, there are rules and regulations to write css of the classes, tags, id.

There are parameters to style the Css which means which class tag or id will go first.

To know the how CSS impact in html, we should link the file by 3 ways,

External, Internal, Inline.

To link the external css file to the html document, we should attach it through the link tag in html file itself,

To link the internal file, we should use the style tag in same html document

To link the inline css, we should use the style tag in html code line

In css file, you can add yours own customize fonts by using import links in your Css file

Html forms are the basic forms which is used by every website in today’s world, which is used by the backend developer to store the information of the user.

Let’s discuss more about the CSS

  • Selectors
  • Colors
  • Backgrounds
  • Borders
  • Margins
  • Padding
  • Height/width
  • Box model
  • Outline
  • Text
  • Fonts
  • Icons
  • Links
  • Lists
  • Tables
  • Display
  • Position
  • Overflow
  • Float
  • Z-index
  • Pseudo class
  • Pseudo element
  • Opacity
  • Navbar
  • Drop down
  • Animations
  • Media queries

If you want to learn more about HTML and CSS then must go for HTML5 and CSS3 Training Institute in Delhi.

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