Tech Peak » How to report a UFO sighting? It’s easier than you think!

How to report a UFO sighting? It’s easier than you think!

by Tech Peak

How to report a UFO sighting? It’s easier than you think!

Unexplained extraterrestrial activity is present… everywhere, really. North America, Europe and Australia. People have seen and will continue to experience strange phenomena all over the world. Perhaps you yourself have been a witness. Here’s how to report a UFO sighting online.

International UFO map

Today, the Internet has plenty to offer. That refers to UFO witnesses too. There is a special ufo reporting platform available 24/7. You can use it on a desktop at home or via a smartphone. You can even do it live, as long as you have an internet connection. What’s more, the platform gives you an opportunity to share images as well.

The virtual map of alien activity is another feature. It allows you to pinpoint your exact location and see if this particular phenomenon occurred once or multiple times in your region. You can also compare descriptions and look for familiarities. The global UFO sighting map is therefore a great opportunity for a private investigation. No doubt Fox Mulder would have used it 😉

The UFO sightings app

It seems rather obvious that such a platform should be available as a mobile UFO app. The subject is popular enough to justify it. Thousands of people downloaded it, actually. As a result, new UFO sightings 2023 can be visible to every alien enthusiast out there. Some have detailed descriptions. It is really important to report as many details as possible. UFO experts surely appreciate reliable data.

They also appreciate accuracy. When you decide to make a report, its value depends on the words you choose. Be precise. Provide a relatively short UFO encounter description, but don’t omit crucial elements. Shape, lights, movement, the exact time of appearance… All of this matters. Make sure to include it.

Alien activity in the world

The mobile UFO reporting app shows how common alien phenomena really are. America seems to be a hot spot, but Europe has a lot of valuable reports too. There is no clear pattern, but the unexplained occurs more often than most people imagine. It seems vital to share the experience. Keeping it in the closet, so to speak, serves nobody. Only by sharing, we get closer to the truth about UFOs.

Reporting a UFO sighting is easy. You don’t have to go to the authorities or a journalist. You don’t have to risk exposure. Just download the best UFO app and report. Show the world what you have witnessed. See if someone saw something similar. Compare, analyze, discuss. It’s free, you know.

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