Tech Peak » How to Bridge the Gap Between Cyber-risk and Flexibility in Agile Software Development?

How to Bridge the Gap Between Cyber-risk and Flexibility in Agile Software Development?

by matheyallen

Software development has changed rapidly like the weather over the last decade. In particular, since the rise of the global pandemic, the rapid growth of the technology industry has raised the level of development. One of the numerous technological innovations is one of them being the Rapid Application Development [RAD] model. It was introduced to allow for greater flexibility in software development strategies.

Agile Software is among the most popular RAD models that is a major struggle for security. How can this be resolved? How can developers achieve an equilibrium in Agile application development and security concerns?

Bridging the Gap Between Flexibility and Cyber Risk: Recent Case Studies

“The inconsistency between the cybersecurity and development teams can lead to missed opportunities for business in the event that the latest technologies aren’t being available to the market. In some instances, there is a pressure to bridge the gap that has led to increased vulnerability because development teams stray from the rules to accommodate security guidelines and standards .” McKinsey, Cybersecurity in a Digital Era.

It’s no surprise that obtaining the desired output and closing the gap between these two parameters requires specific knowledge and time.

Here are a few of the strategies that business tycoons employ to boost stability keeping cybercrimes out of their reach are:

Utilization of Design Thinking:

A few banks in the United States of America have allowed customers (customers) to pick simple passwords (PIN codes) only if they consent to a double-authentication step, i.e., two-factor authorization. They will be provided with an OTP from the mobile number that is registered prior to login.

Globalization and Globalization:

One of the top executives of a European company is now educating their customers who are internet-connected across the globe about how safely they can make use of their accounts to protect themselves from being hacked by data

Renovating Product Designing:

Cybersecurity can no longer be treated as just an element but one of the core elements of product design. The university network must have an operating room to keep tabs on security inquiries as well as the product development process. Ovik Mkttchyan

What can Development Team Embed Security into the Agile Software Development Process?

Step 1 – Requirements

Since developers aren’t sure what privacy and security requirements are required, the product owners don’t think about security concerns when planning the software. But, suppose that security is prioritized according to the risk level. In this scenario, product owners will be aware of how crucial security and privacy functions are and are accountable for their inclusion when making the application available for release. . Ovik Mkttchyan

Step 2 – Development

Developers are unsure of the best way to manage the division of duties in the group. In the same way, the Chief Information Security and privacy officers have the ability to manage the development team. So, what is the best way to be integrated to create secure and agile systems? Privacy champions are able to direct teams to complete their tasks in a seamless flow of work, by breaking down the stress of communication barriers. Additionally, you can add certain capabilities to the CISPOs since they have to stay informed on the privacy and security standards. The key is awareness. smooth app development.

Step 3 – Testing

At present, there is no real-time and unified monitoring of the status of security. The objectives of product tasks give developers an actual-time overview on the exact. Therefore, you should write it down prior to taking the steps to implement it. If the plan is designed correctly, the goals are much easier to attain.

Step 4 – Deployment

Unjustly it is that security checks are handled prior to the launch of the application and this causes a continual delay in making the same. In addition, the absence of integration of privacy and security tools increases the complexity of the process, if not more. What can we do to help in this regard? Perhaps, a simplified version of the activities prior to deployment.

Risk-based Approach to Manage Cyber-risk

“A risk-based approach builds customized controls for a company’s critical vulnerabilities to defeat attacks at the lower overall cost.”– McKinsey & Company

As we have mentioned before, large firms should be aware of cyber risk as a primary factor instead of an insignificant one. They’ve begun doing the same thing across the world (which is great news). Does that mean that it’s hindering the ability to adapt to Agile technology development?

Keep reading.

Understanding the Risk-based Approach Further


Not to be confused with cyber-related threats, is the amount of money a business can lose. Whether financial, reputational, operational, productivity-related, or regulatory-related, cyber risks can cause losses in the physical domain. It’s the risk of the business which must be thrown out.

But, resolving cyber-related risks could be a contentious issue.

Reduces the risk for a business:

By identifying, prioritizing, and delivering the right information, evaluating, and assessing the risk of cyberattacks The team is able to manage the entire amount of risk for business under an approach based on risk. By establishing thresholds for risk-appetites for connected pairs of factors of risk, total risk can be reduced or less reduced. This is essential so the team doesn’t have to be involved in managing crises, or in simpler terms, addressing the issue once the risk is an emergency.


CIOs, in accordance with the authority they have been given check the life cycle of software’s own process before moving on to the next step. But what value does to the software or the team? Does it assist in reducing risk? Well, hardly. It’s just creating segregation in the team, and the security team actually is part of that of the deploy team.

The advantage of a risk-based approach is automation. If the procedure for approval can be automated deployment can be more efficient and no human-made error could be committed, per being able to supervise any aspect prior to making an approval.

Agile Security Installation – The Theory of 3’Ps

We have now grasped the need for a risk-based strategy Let us know the way that web application development services implement agile security within the SDLC.


The Participation of CSOs in the process of building apps is not a matter of limiting their involvement. They should be part of each design phase that will provide developers with the help of an excellent product’s delivery. In addition, it also decreases the risk of cyber security and benefits those working in security.


The typical process of security awareness must be removed. It is better to be focusing on changing the way people behave. This, however, requires training and education however, the cost is well worth it. To be able to distinguish between risk at a minimum high-risk, the team must be able to recognize the risks.

Get ready:

Making such changes would require time and necessitate changes to organizational structures. This can be overwhelming so be prepared and be prepared for the changes. When you are preparing, think about these questions to help you get through the process:

Does the team responsible for software development have the necessary skills to make the required changes?

Do you think that such changes can help reach the goals of the business?

Does everyone on the team particularly knowledgeable about the importance of Agile software?

Does your business have free communications?

Is your security software assisting you to come up with new ideas?

If one of these questions is answered positively, your security protocols need to be revised.


With the introduction of Agile Software Development, there is a lot of flexibility, which increases the chance of cyber-attacks. If you engage skilled developers to improve security measures, Agile is definitely going to be around for a long time. Therefore, change has to take place and be implemented immediately. With the help of a team, it is all feasible!


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