Tech Peak » ETA license: 5 Reasons that it is a good for your business

ETA license: 5 Reasons that it is a good for your business

by surajrajwanshi99
WPC ETA License

Do you even know what an ETA license is?

If you don’t, I don’t blame you; the government has been quite lazy in this regard.

ETA license or ETA certificate is an important permit that lets you import telecom equipment into India. And because like you, many telecom importers are ignorant to its importance, they get their imported products stuck at the port customs.

As this information about the license is coming to you late, we want to do more that tell you about it. We want to give you reasons of why getting an ETA certificate is a good idea for your business.

It ensures that the wireless product doesn’t interfere with other equipments

ETA certificate for import is given to wireless products working on licensed and delicensed frequency bands. If your product operates at licensed frequency bands, the Wireless Planning Commission (issuer of the license) has to check if it interferes with other equipments that are working at the same frequencies.

If they sense an interference, your product won’t get the approval for import. This not interference factor gives you an insight on the type of product you’re importing. It essentially means that the product is of good quality and you won’t have to worry about complaints from your customers about frequency issues once you finally start your business.

It allows you to import wireless equipment without any hassle

People think that Import Export Code or IEC code is all they need to import their products in India. They are wrong. IE code merely is a permission that opens doors for you to import  products. Depending on what types of products you’re importing, there are several certifications you’re going to be needing.

Read More License: BIS License

One of them is the ETA certificate or Equipment Type Approval. Like we said at the start of this blog, without the approval, the customs stop the products from being imported in India. However, if you already have the license, you can smoothly bring your product in India.

It’s only a one time license

When are looking for ETA certificate, search for which aspect of the product you need the approval. If you don’t want to search for it, then let me tell you something.

It’s not the product that gets the approval, it’s the frequency at which the product works. So, if you have obtained the certificate for a frequency, you won’t need to again if the products you’re importing work at that frequency.

It allows you to save ETA consultations costs as you’re not running towards certification over and over again.

You shine in the eyes of the Department of Telecommunication

The wireless planning commission issues the ETA license under the watchful eye of Department of Telecommunication. When you act as per the rules and get that license, the DOT approves of your existence. As the government department sees you as a law abiding business, it won’t put legal obstacles in your way to hinder your growth.

It’s another license that prepares you for the future

In India, businesses are as important as their business licenses. Acquiring ETA license for your wireless-import business prepares you for the future. As a legitimate license holder, you’ll be first one to get DOT’s notification about the product policies and other legal matters. They can help you strategize your business so that you can move forward in the most policy-compliant way possible.


ETA license ensures that your wireless equipment can stand the test of time and you’re allowed to do business with it longer. In addition to making you legally compliant and allowing you to import products without any hassle, it elevates you in the eyes of DOT. And trust us, without the government approval, your business can’t stand the barrage of policy changes every year.

So, reach out to us if you don’t want your wireless product to get stuck at customs.

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